Thursday, February 10, 2011

[PART 4] The Restaurant

John to Lola (which he shared with me too)

The gift is still going strong. Took it to a
>> restaurant to show a friend today, and he loved it and we both laughed and
>> marveled at it. After, the waitress saw the bag and said, who's
>> birthday? Well... I did my show for her. And she went from looking
>> beleaguered to looking thrilled and delighted. "Who's your friend and will
>> she be my friend?" she squealed. Then she noticed my backpack and saw Eckhart  Tolle's "Oneness With All Life" book in with my clothes and got all excited  and started telling me how she loved The Power of Now and then she recommended  one of her favorite books to me and the whole moment really brightened
>> her day.
>> So the bill came to 58 dollars--which I  gave her-- and then I pulled an Outback 100 dollar gift card
>> out of my wallet and gave it to her as a tip. Woo hoo!!!
>> She actually teared up, Laura, and I felt like Oprah. It was so nice,
>> and we all felt so good.
>> Anyway, I'm only telling you this. Not self  back-slapping. Just sharing my feel-good story with you.
>> Good gift, Lola! The mojo is still  working. That bag is such a catalyst for good energy.
And there you have it folks...John didn't just hoard...he kept giving and making someone's day bright because he wanted to and because he could. He chose to be kind. I told John that he should start cataloguing the adventures but he felt it would become tedious so I told him to just keep me in the loop of all the coolness that transpired. He was unsure about giving up the cards so I told him to photograph the entire gift and make an album. I want him to send me the pics too...for you all to see. He wants to have it documented what happens and to ask others also to document what it meant to them and how the gift impacts them. BUT...John doesn't want the hassle of documenting on a blog. So he asked my help and this is just right up my alley. Right now I'm going through some hard personal things and it is shining some light, and bringing me smiles when I most need them. I feel that sharing this giving with the world is important because I want to encourage you readers to join in and make a difference for a stranger. It doesn't always have to be can be acts of kindness you know? What will YOU do today that makes you and someone else feel positive and light? Your choice to act might make all the difference in a person's world...WHAT IF?

Part 5 - The Next Gifting

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