Wednesday, February 23, 2011

[Part 16] Giving is a Deeply Personal Choice

Giving has so many forms. Money, time, things and so on. Sometimes giving is asked of us, sometimes it is voluntary, sometimes it is begrudgingly. But giving is a deeply personal choice.

During the last big snow, we got alot of inches, like...ten. I live out in the sticks so I was mired in for a few days with my kiddo. We were just hanging out when we saw a dark bundled figure slogging through the white expanse across the yard toward us.

The teenager from next door made her way up the steps, wielding a bag of my sons things he'd had over at her house a few days prior. I don't remember exactly how the conversation progressed but she spent a few hours there and revealed something horrible to me. I felt my heart race and my blood surge with rage. For me to hear of the atrocities of child abuse and a plea for my help brought out every protective instinct I have.

Part 16 - Continued

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